Above is a clevis I modified from a Lokar kit to work with the original bell crank to adapt it toa cable type system
The above sits behind the master cylinder providing clearance for the brak lines and the hole is for the cable casing to go into and lock in with a c-clip
Follow the clivis, down the cable. You can see the c-clip holding the cable sheath in place.
The cable splitter, attached to the frame with quarter inch self tapping screw
The rear end of the carall buttoned up and ready to go!
My new splash pan installed. The fender welting is from a volkswagon. I think it finished it off nicely.
Windshield and trim installed
A clip I had to fabricate to install the window trim
The milling machine and lathe are finally home from my Dads farm after being in storage after a year. They are a little worse for wear and need some attention, but I am super excited to be back at it!
My girlfriend and I bought a collaberative project!!!
Stay tuned!!